Label Rouge Scottish Salmon : a source of valuable health benefits
Essential benefits for our body
Eating fish regularly ensures we take in elements that are vital for the health of our bodies, in particular: :
- Protein, which is vital for the human body,
- Trace elements such as zinc, copper, iodine, selenium and fluoride which benefit the brain and the nervous system
- Vitamins A, D and the B group which are essential for growth
- Minerals, such as phosphorus
A fish such as Label Rouge Scottish salmon thus does not only benefit our health but also provides pleasure for our taste buds – this is why its reputation has grown over many years.

Rich in Omega 3
Oily fish such as salmon are particularly rich in polyunsaturated Omega 3 fatty acids which provide major health benefits.
These fatty acids are essential for the development and function of the retina, the brain and the nervous system. They also help protect the cardio-vascular system.
The human body is unable to produce Omega 3 and it is thus vital that we include it in our food. Oily fish such as salmon are an excellent natural source. This is why the main official health agencies, including Anses¹ and the UK’s FSA², recommend that oily fish such as salmon be included regularly in the diet.
¹ Anses : Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail.
² Food Standard Agency : is an independent UK Government department whose role is to protect the public's health and consumer interests in relation to food.